The Elicitation of Cybersecurity Narratives: Bricoleur Story Completion, Decision Making and Security Design
Birkbeck, University of London
Research leads
Prof Julie Gore, Birkbeck, University of London
Dr David Gamblin, Birkbeck, University of London
Dr Jonathan Foster, University of Sheffield
Dr Efpraxia Zamani, University of Sheffield
To understand the process of security technology adoption within organisations.
Identify the perceived benefits and risks, organisational conditions and consequences of adopting new security technologies.
Understand and review academic literature examining complexities in individual cognitive and organizational decision making processes associated with adoption/non-adoption.
Understand the role of regulatory governance and other incentives in institutionalising the adoption of new security technologies .
Use a case story completion method and critical decision method (CDM) as innovative qualitative research approaches for eliciting and documenting the bases for analysing the benefits and risks, organizational conditions and consequences, and incentives related to the adoption of new security technologies.
Theme of Core Research:
Across Context
Julie Gore Phd CPsychol FBPsS FHEA
Professor of Organizational Psychology I Director, Professional Doctorate, Evidence-Based HRM
School of Business, Economics and Informatics, Birkbeck, University of London
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Email: j.gore@bbk.ac.uk